GPA Bars Wiki

In a group (up to 10 people) spend one day together from sunrise to sunrise, during which you kill 2 40's of hard liquor (May drink more afterwards, but they must be killed first). During the day you collectively come up with 10 rules for the group to follow for the next 40 days and nights, and write them on the 40's.

These rules should be based around partying, and be sort of ridiculous.

Example Rules:

  1. Thou shalt not get cross faded
  2. Thou must thank the lord before every drink
  3. Thou shalt not wear shorts longer than 8 inches
  4. Thou shalt not consume any hard liquor of any brand but the 40's consumed today
  5. Thou must honor thy FREC's
  6. Any alcohol borrowed must be returned 7-fold
  7. Thou shalt hold no trophy walls, as they are false idols
  8. Thou shalt not drunk snapchat girls on nights with thy mans
  9. Thou shalt get thy mans drunk should they be without alcohol and they shalt unto you
  10. Remember the nights of the weekend, and keep them lit